People who have been touched by me...

I had a huge loss in my life but felt depressed and hopeless beyond measure. For the first time in decades I was suicidal, and I was facing a long list of "have to's" or my life would fall further apart. After asking friends to pray for miracles I dragged myself toward the first impossibility; did my best and was falling short--as I sent my own prayer up--my dear friend felt a "powerful intention to pray for a blast of healing white protective light to surround me with His power and goodness"--she says.  I stood amazed, --I had to laugh because it was so truly outside myself and un-looked for--pure Divine grace and mercy.  In the days following I faced several other impossible seeming situations and have felt effortlessly carried through--even enjoying the feeling of being in God's grace--held in His hands and upheld by a true treasure of a friend........Cindy Muirhead--who will tell you that we must tell each other these things because we just don't know what we are capable of doing--as vessels we know it is not us, but we know for sure we are a crucial part of this amazing process.
Healer's note:  I verified w/Teresa, that the day I sent my prayer up for her, it was approximately only a small window of 20 minutes, of when she felt the results of my answered prayer for her come through.  I still am astounded that my simple prayer, but with the powerful intent of knowing my prayer would be answered, that The Creator actually answered it so Powerfully & w/such quick reply!

The first thing I noticed about Cindy wanting to help heal me was her genuine, sincere, deeply felt way of caring for others. She has not only the knowledge & special talent to begin the healing process, but truly a special gift in seeing into the person's heart & soul who is in need. Her ability to tune in like this is what makes her such an amazing therapist and healer!
I was on prescription meds, heavy mind altering drugs & sedatives to help with anxiety and insomnia which weren't even doing their job anymore. Knowing these drugs were poison to my body didn't sit very well with me, but when you are hospitalized for anxiety you will take anything to avoid winding up back in there. Cindy opened up my eyes to realizing the toxic drugs were not worth the price I was paying and needed to get weaned off of them. A careful process indeed, always know how to calculate the half life of any drugs like these before gradually going off of them. Did it though without any complications and can only thank Cindy for helping to free me of the drug monkey that had been clinging to my back for a few years.
Her natural approach included an essential oil therapy which she custom blends just for me and my own specific needs. They are applied with a carrier oil to the bottom of your feet and massaged in before bedtime...a relaxing experience in itself not to mention the beneficial effects by having a most porous part of the body absorb them. An inhaler laden with lavender *& other eo's* was a lovely bonus included in my "care" package that I couldn't get enough of! It's your own private escape & rejuvenation for a weary or stressful soul. Custom blended of course.
Music & meditation are a critical element in her healing techniques (one part of my therapies I admittedly need to practice more!) as the importance of mind/body/soul connection come to the surface. We humans become so disconnected from ourselves, through the stressers of life we become so caught up in everything but our own selves that it makes no sense at all. This focus she brings to light on mind/body/soul makes me feel centered...whole...happy. A fridge magnet I've displayed for years sums this up perfectly: "Make time for are more important than you can even imagine."
Another care package item was my crystal...this is one more area I need to practice using more often but am eager to learn of it's potential powers as my strength through it grows. Then there is the *vibrational healing* she does through a picture of me...what I wouldn't give to have this girl actually lay her hands on me!! This technique helps remove any/all negative energies while replacing them with positive ones and I can tell you that I FEEL it if she has been working on my picture. Or, we will talk and she'll comment on an energy she was pulling out a few days ago where I clearly know exactly when it happened. Amazingly in tune on a level that blows me away with her being 2100 miles from here! Cindy has some deeply rooted abilities that one may consider to be a sixth sense...I am a believer. She is a licensed/certified massage therapist and I can only imagine what a magical experience it would be to have her work on my body...if we didn't live so far apart you would see me on her massage table weekly!!
She creates her own natural skin care items as well, and the ones I've had the pleasure of sampling rival those of great marketable quality. This girl brings her caring, loving soul into these products and they are divine. Being a very talented jewelery artist is also in her repetoire and she can provide you with a piece not only beautiful, but made from stones that have healing energies geared to your personal needs. Never leave home without my rose quartz : )  She is a power house of creativity & wisdom beyond her years!
I am so grateful and thankful for Cindy coming into my life...all she has brought to me over the past year could never have been done by anyone but her & her special healing ways. Thank you my dear friend, my life is much better because you are in it!
LeeAnne Hoetger
Lakeside, Montana

In May of 2009 she was involved in a serious motorcycle accident.  Her injuries were as follows:  left leg was severely injured as both the tibia and fibula were broken (shattered badly), left wrist was broken, the right shoulder was separated and also a severely sprained right ankle.  Her mobility was immensely impaired (obviously in a wheel chair).
Cindy began energy healing w/FVS treatments and massage/aromatherapy shortly after the accident.  The doctors told Demi she “may” be able to walk by thanksgiving.  To her amazement the treatments had significantly improved her range of motion and helped her to feel so much better.  The treatments Cindy had administered helped her so significantly-she was able to walk & be free from the wheelchair (but w/walking aids), by mid-august!  Demi stated that Cindy offers a wonderful service and would recommend her to anyone without reservation.  Demi continues w/maintenance massage/healing sessions every 2 weeks :-)

Liz has had a long history of severe headaches (unexplained), but most likely due to stress, tension & cervical spine disc degeneration.  She was always taking prescription drugs to help w/managing the pain from the headaches.  Cindy began energy FVS healings to help w/alignment & healing for the spine [cervical area especially].  After weekly treatment sessions within approximately 1 month, Liz’s headaches finally were subsiding-for the first time in many many years!  It took approximately another month and the headaches were almost non-existent! 
Liz has a long history of heart disease & had to have aortic by-pass surgery in Dec.’09.  She has still dealt w/complications occasionally with her bowels as a result of ramifications from the surgery (her colon had a lack of blood supply & part of the colon had folded over on itself & twisted), fortunately she didn’t have to have any of the colon removed-since there was no necrotic tissue.  She has had massage and energy FVS treatment to assist w/stimulation of the colon function & tissue regeneration.  After regular various modalities also used in her treatment plan, Liz has less to rely on the prescription laxatives that her doctor had given her to use.  This was a difficult case to tend to but, thanks to the energy work/FVS, massage cupping & specified abdominal massage and essential oils usage, there have been positive results for this client.  Liz continues with bi-monthly treatments of massage & energy healings as a regular maintenance plan, she has become much more relaxed in life and can attest to being neck/back pain, & abdominal- spasm free! [Liz is Cindy's mother]

Mike was a healthy 71 yr. old male who had really never been sick to speak of and especially never sick enough to end up in the hospital.  One early a.m. though, Mike had a type of fainting spell and collapsed on the kitchen floor.  He woke up and discovered he had lost control of his bladder during the spell.  He told his wife & they ended up in the ER a short while later.  The Dr’s. order a cat scan to determine what if anything caused the black-out he experienced.  They discovered that Mike had suffered a bilateral pulmonary embolism.  The doctors stated this blood clot was HUGE-spanning over his heart & into a portion of each of his lungs—this should have killed him, but it didn’t!  Cindy began FVS treatments weekly, immediately after he was released from the hospital.  Keeping this interval of treatments for 1 and a ½ months to start, then changing it to every other week & a ½.  The original episode happened at the end of Jan., 2009.  During a treatment session in mid-late April, Cindy did medical scanning which indicated the clot was very small then-hard to detect.  Mike had a stress test in early May where they injected some dye & took pic’s of his heart-they could not detect the blood clot at that time.  The clot was GONE! 
So in essence—the FVS treatments in less than 4 months time, totally disintegrated that huge blood clot that developed in his chest! [Mike is Cindy's father]

A 31 yr. old healthy female was having unexplained abdominal symptoms-she had experienced some acid reflux w/indigestion occasionally.  On one occasion she had a bout of diarrhea that lasted over a week.  She let Cindy do some intuitive tuning fork therapy & energy work on her, after 1 treatment the symptoms started to dissipate-then another treatment approximately a week later, & over nite--her symptoms were totally gone, no more diarrhea.  Kristy was elated & stated it seemed like a miracle to get the relief that she had experienced!  She looked forward to more treatments if necessary & would recommend the FVS to others.

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